Always show your white smile to the world

It’s an established fact that the muscles used to smile release substances into your body that make you feel better. “At the Centre for Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry, it’s all about making you smile”, says Lisa, the practice manager.

Formerly known as the East Burwood Dental Group, the center is today an integrated clinic for all aspects of general and family dental care with an emphasis on aesthetics.

“Utilising the latest in dental technology, our goal is to provide each patient with a dental experience that meets their highest expectations”, says Dr Alex Fibishenko, the practice principal. “We offer Brite Smile technology for teeth whitening, and sleep dentistry for anxious patients and young children. Also available is ‘Invisalign’ no-braces teeth straightening, which allows patients to straighten their teeth with transparent plastic aligners”. Having received training from some of the world experts in the fi eld Dr Alex Fibishenko is an Australian leader in advanced rehabilitation with dental implants. The latest developments in dental implants offer an attractive solution for people dealing with the discomfort of dentures or deteriorating teeth. Implant-supported replacement teeth are permanent, better looking and unlike previous implant options, take only a few days to complete.

“There are a lot of denture wearers out there, particularly from the baby boomer era as there was a very high extraction rate in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70s,” says Dr Alex Fibishenko “but with today’s technology we are gradually changing the look of Melbourne, one smile at a time”.

“Dentures can be loose and incredibly uncomfortable, making it difficult to eat, taste food, talk or feel confident in social settings.” Some people have been put off getting implants due to the length of time it took to perform. “Traditionally implant treatment involved many stages over an extended period of up to 2 years. Today, modern implant design and state-of-the-art surgical techniques allow most patients to have fixed teeth fitted at or within a few days from the surgery” says Dr Alex Fibishenko.

“Our latest and popular publication entitled ‘What Makes You Smile’ available from our clinic to nonpatients for $5 may help individuals understand a fixed alternative to dentures”, says Lisa. Also practicing at the centre are Dr Miller and Dr Bormann, both of whom have extensive experience in cosmetic and family dentistry. Dr Miller is also an accredited member of Australian Sleep Association and works with a respiratory physician offering treatment for snoring and sleep apnea.

Interest free finance is available for all procedure to approved applicants.

Centre for Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry
265-267 Burwood Highway
Burwood East
Ph: 9802 2399



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